Monstrance on an altar

Deceased Loved Ones

Request Card

The loss of a loved one is difficult. Help honor the memory of those you knew and loved by requesting a special Mass intention, at Jesus, The High Priest Chapel in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, in their honor.

Cross with wedding rings

Wedding Anniversaries

Request Card

The beautiful sacrament of marriage is one of the most wonderful bonds someone shares not only with their spouse, but with God as well. Help commemorate the wedding anniversary of your family or friends with a special Mass intention at Jesus, The High Priest Chapel in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery.


Living Intentions

Request Card

Prayers are an essential part of being Catholic – it is how we communicate directly with God. Bestow the gift of prayer for any living intentions you may have, be it a family member, friend, or stranger. Dedicate a special Mass intention for them at Jesus, The High Priest Chapel in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery.

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